Minggu, 21 Maret 2010

dear juicy./

the hours i spend with you i look upon as sort of a perfumed garden.a dim twilight.and a fountain singing to it. you and you alone make me feel that I am alive. other men it is said have seen angels. but i have seen thee and thou art enough.

from all the boys the one I take home is ariesdho./

i just won't leave your side.

1998-2095 i love you.sincerely. yours truly.yours truly./

bear if you should die before me.ask if you could bring a friend.

Sabtu, 20 Maret 2010

my playground love./

I'm a high school lover, and you're my favorite flavor
Love is all, all my soul
You're my playground love

Yet my hands are shaking
I feel my body remains, time's no matter, I'm on fire
On the playground, love.

You're the piece of gold the flashes on my soul.
Extra time, on the ground.
You're my playground love.

Anytime, anywhere,
You're my playground love.

through the back yard./

Baby tell me please
Is this a dream
Spending the night with you
Beneath the cherry trees
Just make a wish and everything comes true

Out the windows of my bedroom
Through the backyards of our neighbors
But I didn't leave you waiting
There was endless concentration

Then the moon swept down to greet us
It was warm and made of flowers
Into vines that barely reached us
Climbing higher than forever

Baby help me please
In knowing this
'Cause showing never tells
Was it just a breeze
Was it a kiss
Breathless exquisite chills